VENUE: Phnom Penh Hotel
Fee and Terms
Non-student: 20$ for Annual Membership (including event pass, lanyard, two lunches, four snack&coffee breaks, CME certificate and access to soft-copy of the lectures sent via Telegram)
Students and Residents fee: US$10 for event pass, lanyard, two lunches, four snack&coffee breaks, CME certificate and access to soft-copy of the lectures sent via Telegram.
Registration fee to be processed on-site.
Limitation to 250 registrars. Priorities are given by the following order: Delegates, Speakers, Organizing Members, Invited sponsors, Online Pre-registrar, On-site registrar (first comes first serves).
Attendees with misconducts and demanor behavior will be denied access and no refund will be given. Final decision is at the discreet of the association heads.
Strictly no photography or videography.
Basic facilities such as WiFi, additional power supply etc. will be provided by the hotel. The Association is in no responsibility to guarantee the service.